Upload pictures in bulk

Upload pictures in bulk

If you are using a lot of pictures in your logs, uploading them one by one can be very time consuming. Therefore you may upload pictures i bulk as long as you have a trip with logs to assign the pictures with. While in the Post-trip assistant, go to Logs and find Upload pictures in bulk:

In the next window, you may now either just drag and drop your pictures for this trip, or click in the field and select the pictures from there (1). The pictures needs to be scaled if bigger than 3 Mb, so it may take some time in order to get them uploaded. You will see the progress on the pictures as cachetur.no are working with them. There are a limit of how big the pictures can be if the resizing can work, as stated in the field.

Once all your pictures are uploaded, you click Next step (2) to let cachetur try to sort out your pictures.

Now the system will try to determine which logs each picture should be suggested to, based on the time-stamp of the picture, or the coordinates in the picture. You will see the suggestion on the next page:

In this picture, there are a frame high-lighted (1). This is the area that indicates that the picture are attached to this log. You may move pictures between those frames if there are errors in how your pictures are suggested. If you have uploaded a picture (2) that you do not want to have, or that you are unsure of where to place, you may drag it outside the frame (3) and it will drop into the Not attached to any log (4). This will not delete the picture. It will just let it stay in this module even after you press save on the page.

If you edit the description on the pictures during the upload phase (you may do that in the logging as well), make sure you don’t hit enter when finishing a description. Just click from description to description in order to avoid pictures being submitted right away.

If you have uploaded several pictures, it might be times you need to get a clear view before knowing the right log for a specific picture. Just keep that one in the Not attached-frame until you have stored the others. Then you have a clear view of the logs after this. All pictures that are attached to logs, will disappear from this page, and be found in the logs during the writing of the log.

Pictures that are not attached to any logs will remain in that trip as unattached pictures.

You may have your default text on your pictures if you like that. You can enter that text in your Log settings in your Backlogg.

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