

If you are out in the fields with a dedicated GPS, you mark your findings on this device. Now it is time to turn those into logs on cachetur.no.

First; if there are several trips in your gps, and you want to make sure that your trip report gets accurate, you need to edit your geocache_visits.txt in order to have just the findings for the trip in the file. You find this file on your gps under X:/garmin/ and you may copy that content over to a new .txt-file for this job.

As soon as you have a geocache_visits.txt you want to send to the trip, you find Field notes and then Upload:

Now you can verify that you are uploeding to the correct trip (1), and find your geocache_visits.txt on your computer (2). If you want to have the seconds in your upload as well, you need to uploed the geocache_logs.xml (3) as well. This is not required. Cachetur.no will try to find the correct time zone for your logs based on the location of the cache.