We support the use of Markdown to format trip description, comments, support requests etc.
Automatic formatting
The following is automatically formatted by cachetur.no:
- URLs: will automatically be converted to a link, with icon and title
- Your own username: is automatically highlighted
- GC codes: GC codes is automatically linked to the cache page, and will also get the cache type icon added if we have the cache in our database
- Emoticons: standard emoticons (:), :P etc) are automatically converted to pictures
Simple formatting
- _kursiv_ / *kursiv* = italic
- **fet** / __fet__ = bold
- ***fetkursiv*** / ___fetkursiv___ = bold italic
~~strikethrough~~ =
gjennomstreket- --- = line
`kodesnutt` =
Quotes is started with >
> quote
the rest of it
Which will be converted to:
Lists can be started with either *, -, + or 1.
They can also be nested, like this:
1. Point 1
* sub 1
* sub 2
Som blir:
- Point 1
- sub 1
- sub 2
| header 1 | header 2 | | -------- | -------- | | cell 1.1 | cell 1.2 | | cell 2.1 | cell 2.2 |
| header 1 | header 2 | header 2 | | :------- | :------: | -------: | | cell 1.1 | cell 1.2 | cell 1.3 | | cell 2.1 | cell 2.2 | cell 2.3 |
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