Create a trip template

Create a trip template

Have you made yourself a nice trip that you were so pleased with that you wish to share this trip with other cachers, or do you have/know a nice set of caches (not

necessarily a trail) where you wish to tell others about the easiest and best way to do these caches, add extra parking spots and information about best "access points" that's not in the cache description, then create a trip template.

There are a few things to keep in mind before creating a trip template:

  • When creating a trip template, it will end up in a public gallery
  • Trip templates need to be at a certain standard. Templates that only contain one cache, or that for other reasons are flagged, will be deactivated.
  • It cant be date determined, or created for a specific trip/public trip.
  • It must contain caches (plural)
  • It cant contain solutions/coordinates to mysteries or other tasks.
  • The template must have useful value (a template containing a random list of caches, does not have useful value. A template with a trail you can go / drive / cycle, parking info, access etc, have useful value)

Utover disse punktene så må du selvsagt huske at du må "passe" på malen din, skulle f.eks en av cachene bli Arkivert, så må du manuelt gå inn i malen og slette/fjerne cachen fra malen

Selve "genereringen" av en mal er svært enkel, du går inn på den turen du er fornøyd med og velger Klon, også klon til ny offentlig mal

Beyond these points, you must of course remember that you have to look after your template, for example, if one of the caches should become archived, you must manually enter the template and delete / remove the cache from the template
The actual "generation" of a template is very simple, if you wish to create a template from scratch simply go trough "Tips and templates"→"Create a new trip template" and from there on it's basically done the same way as creating a new trip

Since all templates are made public, remember to "tick" the draft box as long as you are working on the template

Create a template from an existing trip

You can also create a template from an existing trip in some easy steps, while in the trip you wish to use as a basis for a template choose "Download/Send/Export"→"Clone to a new public trip template"

Which brings you here:

As we can see on the pictures this trip has a specific description and notes to the caches that doesn't contain anny value for the template, so we have to edit them away, but adding cool referance points if anny is a good idea, give the template a "propper" description to trigger the interest of other cachers, give them an aproximat estimate on duration and lenght of the trip...

And remember if you wish to edit on it further before it's done mark the draft box to stop the template from becoming public.

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