Route calculation for trips

Route calculation for trips

We automatically calculate routes for all trips trough GraphHopper and OpenStreetMap.

Route calculation is done based on trip types, to make for instance a bicycle trip optimized for bicycles. Routes are calculated in the order the caches have in the trip, there is no route optimizing here.

On trips with a calculated route, the calculated route will be displayed on the map, instead of the direct lines. You can toggle between route and direct lines (or you can use them both at the same time) in the map menu.

In the trip summary you will also see the route info.

And in the waypoint list you can easily see distance and time between caches


The map data used as the basis for GraphHopper's route calculation engine comes from OpenStreetMap.
The quality varies from place to place, but in many places it's very good.
What's important to know is that if you think it's bad quality, you can help contribute to make it better!

Read more on how to contribute here and on http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Beginners'_guide

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