The status page will give you a quick overview of current status and load on cachetur.no.
- «caches not loaded»: Caches you have added to trips,that are still not loaded trough the API
- «caches unavailable in API»: Caches you have added to trips, that cachetur.no can't access (could bee amongst other things because the cache is unpublished)
- «caches awaiting update»: Caches you have added to trips, that's in the queue for update via the API
- «cacher without OSM-data»: Caches you have added to trips, which has not yet received updated regional-/municipality data
- «age API token»: Number of days since you last authenticated with geocaching.com
- «Emails in the queue»: Number of emails to your address in the email queue
- «failed logins»: Number of failed logins with your username today
- «errors registred»: Number of errors registered on your user today